Monday, March 24, 2014

Time's a flyin'!

I can not believe how fast this last year has gone by! I feel like I just had Haddie, yet here I am planning her first birthday party, and getting ready to do her cake smash pictures this weekend. It's so crazy to me! But I'm so excited for it!  She's been trying really hard to walk. She will take 3 or 4 steps,  but then just lunges forward and gives me a heart attack. Haha! I'm not ready for her to grow up! 
We just signed Aubry up for t ball. When she was a baby all these things seemed so far away. School. Sports. Independence.  Now it's all here and it went by in a flash! She is turning into her very own little person and she makes us so proud every day. She also challenges us every day, but I think that's just part of parenthood. ;)
We had both of the girl's hips checked out last week and they both look great! Aubry will go back in a year and if they are still looking good, she doesn't have to go any more! There was a time when I thought she would be in a brace forever. Going through all of that was so hard. I know people deal with much more challenging things with their babies, but I don't think that makes it any less scary when something is wrong with yours. I was so terrified of Haddie having the same thing, and it not being found until now,  and that she would have to have surgery instead of a brace. I mean, I was shaking and sweating while we were waiting for the doctor to come in after the xray. But he said he thinks it's just ligaments making the popping noise. We will go back in 3 months just to double check. Talk about a relief!

I am doing the Pat's Run at the end of next month with Richard's mom and sister. His mom talked me into it while they were here on Thursday. I haven't been running at all lately, and it's 4.2 miles, so I better get my booty in gear!! They'll be leaving me in the dust! ;) It gives me a good motivation to get back in the habit of running, so I won't complain. Plus it gives me a reason to see my nephews, brother and sis in law again! We finally got to meet Bryson when we took the girls for their appointments. I couldn't believe how big he was. Or how big the other boys are!! We hadn't seen them in almost a year! We used to see them every 3-4 months when Aubry was in her brace and then every 6 months when she got out of it. So crazy it had been so long. It was great to see them! 
Now I'm just rambling. I had better go get Aubry ready for school! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Let's play catch up!

Once again, I have been slacking on keeping up on this thing. Let's see if I can get back into posting once a week or so. What has happened since my last post? TONS! Aubry is in preschool. She is actually almost done for the year, and today I'm registering her for next year. It's crazy how much she is changing and turning into such a big kid. I can't believe she will be 5 this year!! She is still an amazing big sister,  even though she gets irritated with Haddie sometimes. I think that's pretty normal haha. 
Haddie is 10 months old now. It has seriously flown by!! She is getting so big, way too fast! She started crawling in December and it's been so fun ever since. She is trying really really hard to walk right now. I just want to slow down time. But since I cant, I will take way too many pictures, and create as many memories as I possibly can! 
In November we went to Montana, and I killed my first buck! Never in my life did I think I would live shooting guns and be out hunting, but let me tell you, I LOVE it!!! Richard has successfully turned me into a true redneck ;-)  He actually surprised me with a bow a little over a week ago. And I love that too. I love that we can shoot them at home in our own front yard. Or, if we go to the archery range,  the girls can get out and sit with us and we don't have to worry about ear plugs and such. 
I'm December I ran my first 5 K. That was a blast!! Me, Richard's sisters, and his mom did it together. The color run. I want to do it every year! It was SERIOUSLY a BLAST!! Aubry even said she wants to do it next year ;-)
Life is good over here. I can't complain about much. I have 2 amazing girls, and I truly have a wonderful man to spend my life with. So, there is a little catch up on our life in the last 10 months. Here's to hoping I can keep up better on here from now on!