Monday, April 23, 2012

Catching up

It has been quite a while since I made a post, and Richard is working nights, and I am waiting on my laundry to get done, so I figure I can ramble for a while. Last time I posted, Stephanie and I were doing our little diet. Well, needless to say, I have fallen off the wagon a bit. I am still watching how much sugar I have, as well as staying low carb, but I will admit I failed. She, however is awesome, and is training for a triathlon right now! I have mentioned how awesome she is, right?! :)
  I suppose a lot of things have happened since I made that post. Let's see...Richard and I went to NASCAR, it was a first for both of us, and it was a total blast! We were so close that when one of the wrecks happened right in front of us, I got rubber from the tires on my face and in my beer, yummy! HA! We had a good time, and got to spend some time with my big brother afterwards. Which is always a good time. My grandparents also came for a visit from Iowa. It had been over 10 years I believe since the last time they had been here,  so it was nice to have them in AZ. They stayed at my mom's, and while it was a short visit, I was glad for the time I got to spend with them. Aubry had a blast with grandpa Jack, just like when we were in Iowa. He adores her, and it makes my heart melt. 

 Then there was Easter. We colored eggs a couple nights before, and Richard's parents came up the day before Easter to give Aubry all of her goodies. Aubry loooves "pop pop", and I love watching them play together. He always has candy in the pocket in his shirt, and she knows it! Haha! Richard had to work on Easter, so we did everything later in the evening. The egg hunt and all of that. Aubry still remembered that the eggs that make noise are the good ones, filled with "nummies". She had a lot of fun finding them all and shoving chocolate and jelly beans in her mouth as fast as she could. Then she was on a sugar high. haha! We stayed outside blowing bubbles with her until it got dark. It was a wonderful day. She is absolutely amazing, and I feel extremely blessed to have my little family. We have been spending a lot of family time together on Richard's days off lately, and I love it! I feel like we are making so many wonderful memories! We have been going to the river a lot, which we all love. Richard gets to fish, Aubry gets to play, and I get to get a tan! It's a win all around. Ha! I love moments like that. Just the 3 of us having a great time together. It's perfect! <3 Aubry is getting way too big, WAAAY too fast, and I feel like I need to cherish every moment! It's crazy how time flies! You always say that, but I don't think I ever realized how true it was until we had a child.


Daddy caught a turtle and Aubry did NOT like it!

She is my best friend! <3<3

Coloring eggs with daddy<3

Getting so big!

I think we're rednecks! ;)

Love her! 

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