Monday, July 2, 2012

They will do it when they're ready

Yesterday Aubry when in the bathroom & put her baby doll on her little potty, telling me the baby was going pee. She's done this a few times, and when I try to get HER to potty, she tells me no and runs off. So, being a little frustrated with the "baby doll going potty situation", I walked away and went to start the dish washer. When I came back, Aubry was naked, standing up. She hurried to sit back down, and told me "I peed!". I didn't really think she peed, but she she stood up again I saw it. Of course, I made a huge deal out of it, but not on purpose this time...I was just SO EXCITED! For the rest of the day, she would just go in there & go on her own. I don't think she likes an audience when she's in there, which is okay with me if it means she will actually go. I only changed 2 pull ups yesterday, one when she got up in the morning, and one when she got up from her nap. I guess I should have listened to all those parents who told me kids will use the potty when they're ready. HOPEFULLY she keeps this up. Today she is in panties so far. She had one small accident about 20-30 minutes after she got up, but she only tinkled a little in her panties, stopped herself, and ran to the bathroom to finish. Which is way better than any other time she's had panties on. She usually just lets it all out if she's having an accident. She stopped herself this time. I am really, really hoping she keeps it up for the whole week! I would be SO happy!! Obviously I am ready for her to be done with diapers! I just hope she is ready, too! I will keep everyone posted!

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